�鿴�����汾: [-- 1213��ĩ�н�����   ���ڵ��ﰲ-������ɣ� --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���� -> 1213��ĩ�н�����   ���ڵ��ﰲ-������ɣ� [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

seanfx 2008-12-13 02:50

1213��ĩ�н�����   ���ڵ��ﰲ-������ɣ�

�ᵽ��  Äªï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ö®ï¿½ï¿½  ï¿½Íµï¿½ï¿½ï°²-����Ҳ����Order of the Dead �������ţ�

The men trying to kill you seem to be the remnants of the Molochean Hand, who, long ago, were assassins for the Order of the Dead (Derian Ka).  I found this ancient but incomplete text concerning their history...they don't seem to be bad fellows, perhaps just a bit misdirected?  Things are too dangerous right now...I shouldn't have even had you come here.  I'll find you.
...lost histories of the Molochean Hand.  Their separation from the Order of the Dead was always a mystery, but translations of the Scrolls of Trellian, First Assassin of the Hand, have brought to light their enigmatic reasons for leaving.  A half-torn excerpt from the fourth scroll reads...

"...And the writings of the great Necromancer were found by me, and his madness and abominations were made clear, and I threw myself to the ground with great sorrow and gnashing of teeth.  How evil were the men to whom we had pledged our hearts and our swords?  I vowed to make war, and we set ourselves upon them and the Gray Legions on the plains of Vooriden, and we broke them , but were also broken upon them.  My heart burns..."

Obviously, there were doctrinal differences between the Derian Ka and their order of assassins.  The 'great Necromancer' referred to is obviously Kerghan the Terrible, after whose death was formed the Order of the Dead.  The 'writings' that Trellian refers to are unknown, but its been surmised that they were some sort of personal journal or log book.  One of the scrolls of Trellian also refers to a '...the master's place of dark secrets, set among the stones...", which may or may not have referred to Kerghan's lost laboratory, spoken of cursorily in both the writings of Belaak and Y'serod...

���ٺ�з 2008-12-13 03:21
������ ����ɳ��

�� 2008-12-13 09:33

�� 2008-12-13 09:38

�� 2008-12-13 09:52

�����ͼɱ��������ƺ���the Molochean Hand�ij�Ա�����ǣ��ܾ���ǰ����ɱ��the Order of the Dead (Derian Ka)�����ҵ����Ȿ�����鼮�IJб������������������������ʷ�ġ������ǵij�Ա�ƺ������������Ǻܻ�������ֻ���ܵ���һ��СС���󵼣�����������Խ��ԽΣ���ˡ�����������Ӧ�ð���е����������һ��ҵ���ġ�

�� 2008-12-13 10:07

������ʧ����ʷ���е�the Molochean Hand���������صļ���������the Order of the Dead������Trellian֮������뱾����һ���̿͵��֣���������Ǹ��뱾�����֣���Ϊ�⿪the Molochean Hand������ʧ֮�մ�������⡣ֻ�д���һ��ĵ����ž��������¼��ء���

�� 2008-12-13 10:40

�������Ҽ�¼����ǿ������鷨ʦ�Ľ������������������¼�����ǵķ�������о�����ҧ����ʹ���ˤ���˵��ϡ���ô�������ǵ���Ѫ�ͱ������Կ��Ǹ�а������ˣ��ҷ���Ҫ����ս����������Vooridenƽԭ������the Gray Legions�����ǹ��������ǣ����һ��������ǡ��ҵ�����ȼ�ա�����

How evil were the men to whom we had pledged our hearts and our swords?  ï¿½ï¿½Ì«ï¿½á·­ï¿½ï¿½


�� 2008-12-13 11:11

��Ȼ��ì�ܾͲ�����Derian Ka����Ⱥ��֯���ܵĴ̿�֮�䡣�����ᵽ�ġ�ǿ������鷨ʦ����Ȼ�ǿ��µ�Kerghan����������֮���齨��he Order of the Dead�����������¼����Trellian������˭����������ƶ���Щ����Ӧ��������˽���ռǻ���±���Trellian������һ�����ỹ�ᵽ����������ס���ĺڰ����ܣ�������ʯͷ�ġ�������Ҳ��ָ�IJ�����Kerghan��ʧ��ʵ���ң��������Ե�̸����Belaak��Y'serod����Ʒ����

set among the stones...

�� 2008-12-13 11:13


philip_w 2008-12-13 11:34
���õ�7¥С����2008-12-13 11:11������  :
set among the stones...


xq_261 2008-12-13 11:49


�������У����ҵ���һ���Ǹ���ʦ���ױ����ţ�����ÿ���ֶ���¶�����Ƕ�ô���޴��������п���������գ��ҽ���סҧ���г���ǻ��ʹ�����ǵõ��գ����������Լ������������ķ��ģ�Ч�������������벻������Ȼ��һ����˹а����ˣ����Ǿٽ�ɱ�У��ݱ�����������������Booriden��ԭ�ϵ�Gray Legons ���ǵģ����Ǵ�������ǣ����Լ�����������ȴ���������������غ��������ڵ���������ơ���

�����ԣ����ﰲ-���ʹ̿;���֮��Ľ�������һЩ���ɵ��͵ķ��硣�����Ǹ���ʦ��������ָ����һ���齨���������ŵ�Kerghan the Terrible���ˡ������Ƿݡ��ױ����š���ĿǰΪֹ�����������ʲô�ļ����������Ʋ⣬Ӧ������ij�ָ����ռǻ�����־֮�ࡣTrellian���������һ�����ᵽһ���������Dz����ù�����ܾ���û��ʯͷ�еġ����ĵط����������Kerghan�Ǹ�ʧ���ʵ��������������ͬʱ��Belaak��Y��serod�������������ᵽ���ʧ���ʵ���ҵ��¡�

�� 2008-12-13 11:55
���õ�9Â¥philip_w��2008-12-13 11:34������  :



�� 2008-12-13 12:02
���õ�10Â¥xq_261��2008-12-13 11:49������  :


�������У����ҵ���һ���Ǹ���ʦ���ױ����ţ�����ÿ���ֶ���¶�����Ƕ�ô���޴��������п���������գ��ҽ���סҧ���г���ǻ��ʹ�����ǵõ��գ����������Լ������������ķ��ģ�Ч�������������벻������Ȼ��һ����˹а����ˣ����Ǿٽ�ɱ�У��ݱ�����������������Booriden��ԭ�ϵ�Gray Legons ���ǵģ����Ǵ�������ǣ����Լ�����������ȴ���������������غ��������ڵ���������ơ���

�š����Ǹ�����Kerghan the Terrible���ǡ��ֲ���Kerghan����

xq_261 2008-12-13 12:20
Kerghan the Terrible����Ϸ��ܾ�ǰ���Ƕ����ijƺ��ɣ�̫��û������ǵ��ˡ��뷨�����кܶ��֣����ڱ��˲��Ƿ�������ˣ�Ҳ���ò���ձ���ר�����������������ͽ���У������

�� 2008-12-13 12:48

And the writings of the great Necromancer were found by me��仰�е�writings��Ȼ��s�ˣ��Ǿ������ʣ���������Ʒ����˼�������ἰ�Ǹ����ռǣ�ֱ�ӷ�������ź����е�ǣǿ��by me���Է����������ǰ��



����and we broke them , but were also broken upon them.��һ���ֻ���̫���ס�

The 'writings' that Trellian refers to are unknown, but its been surmised that they were some sort of personal journal or log book.


xq_261 2008-12-13 13:19
����by me�����������ǽ���������found������һ��������̬
"The 'writings' that Trellian refers to are unknown, but its been surmised that they were some sort of personal journal or log book."

seanfx 2008-12-13 13:44


The 'great Necromancer' referred to is obviously Kerghan the Terrible, after whose death was formed the Order of the Dead.  

xq_261 2008-12-13 14:03
���õ�16Â¥seanfx��2008-12-13 13:44������  :



���ںܾ�û�нӴ������أ��ڷ�������ֻ�ܿ��ƶϣ���ȻKerghan ��Ϊ������ʦ��Ӧ���л�ܶ෽�����Լ��������������ҡ��������š�����ȥ�����Dz�������ʲô��

seanfx 2008-12-13 14:13

xq_261 2008-12-13 14:24

seanfx 2008-12-13 15:24

 ...lost histories of the Molochean Hand.  Their separation from the Order of the Dead was always a mystery, but translations of the Scrolls of Trellian, First Assassin of the Hand, have brought to light their enigmatic reasons for leaving.  A half-torn excerpt from the fourth scroll reads...����������ʷ��Ī���֮�֡����ǵ����ڻ�û�и��������Ϊ��Ҫ����������֮�з����ȥ�����Ǿݵ�ʱ���ǵ��ϴ�Ҳ������ϯ�Ĵ̿�-----��������д�����Ϊ������Ϊ��������ʷ�����ҵ���һ˿��⡣������������������ĵ���ҳ��

 "...And the writings of the great Necromancer were found by me, and his madness and abominations were made clear, and I threw myself to the ground with great sorrow and gnashing of teeth.  How evil were the men to whom we had pledged our hearts and our swords?  I vowed to make war, and we set ourselves upon them and the Gray Legions on the plains of Vooriden, and we broke them , but were also broken upon them.  My heart burns..."�������У����ҵ���һ���Ǹ���ʦ���ױ����ţ�����ÿ���ֶ���¶������ɥ�IJ���Ͷ���������ñ¡£¶ï¿½ï¿½Õ£ï¿½ï¿½Ò½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½×¡Ò§ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ð³ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç»ï¿½ï¿½Í´ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ò´ï¿½ï¿½×·ï¿½ï¿½Äªï¿½Ñ¡ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ÇµÃµï¿½ï¿½Õ£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ô¼ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ä·ï¿½ï¿½Ä£ï¿½Ð§ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ë²»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½È»ï¿½ï¿½Ò»ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë¹Ð°ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ë£ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Ç¾Ù½ï¿½É±ï¿½Ð£ï¿½ï¿½Ý±ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½Vooridenƽԭ�ϵĻ�ɫ���š��ǵģ����Ǵ�������ǣ����Լ�����������ȴ���������������غ��������ڵ���������ơ���

 Obviously, there were doctrinal differences between the Derian Ka and their order of assassins.  The 'great Necromancer' referred to is obviously Kerghan the Terrible, after whose death was formed the Order of the Dead.  The 'writings' that Trellian refers to are unknown, but its been surmised that they were some sort of personal journal or log book.  One of the scrolls of Trellian also refers to a '...the master's place of dark secrets, set among the stones...", which may or may not have referred to Kerghan's lost laboratory, spoken of cursorily in both the writings of Belaak and Y'serod...�����ԣ����ﰲ-�����������ţ������Ĵ̿��Ŷ�֮��Ľ�������һЩ���ɵ��͵ķ��硣�����Ǹ���ʦ�����Ծ��ǡ�����ħ���ܸա�������������������֮������齨�������Ƿݡ��ױ����š���ĿǰΪֹ�����������ʲô�ļ����������Ʋ⣬Ӧ������ij�ָ����ռǻ�����־֮�ࡣ���������������һҳ���ᵽһ���������Dz����ù�����ܾ���û��ʯͷ�еġ����ĵط����������ܸ��Ǹ�������ʵ��������������ͬʱ�������˺���˹��µ������������ᵽ���ʵ���ҵ��¡�


�� 2008-12-13 18:17
���õ�19Â¥xq_261��2008-12-13 14:24������  :



�� 2008-12-13 20:19


kya 2008-12-14 22:29
Derian-Ka�ƺ���һ��ɱ����֯����������Kerghan����ϯɱ�ִ���������the Molochean Hand��ǰ����

�鿴�����汾: [-- 1213��ĩ�н�����   ���ڵ��ﰲ-������ɣ� --] [-- top --]

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