�鿴�����汾: [-- REX....Ư���Ĺ�����Orz...���۰��˷���... --]

13�ű�����|����|�쳾���� -> ���䣺��ά��˹ -> REX....Ư���Ĺ�����Orz...���۰��˷���... [��ӡ��ҳ] ��¼ -> ע�� -> �ظ����� -> ��������

zhangyan1100 2010-11-26 16:17







������King ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½


λ�ã�The King's School of impersonatin


���֣�Fallout:New Vegas

����Nothin'But a Hound Dog






ר����Search and Mark



Base ID:00118e71

Ref ID :0010d8df


Rex (full designation of Cyber-Hound Mk. III, LEO Support Model, Serial Number B955883) is a 209 year old cyberdog living in Freeside in 2281. He is owned by the King. He hates rats and will immediately go for one if he sees one. He also doesn't like hats, or people who wear them (he will occassionaly bark at people wearing hats), and it's unknown why, although the King says it might be because "hats" rhymes with "rats".



    Rex is a cybernetic dog that has been around since pre-war times. Specifically born in 2072, He was used by the Denver Police Department. Since then, he's been the loyal pet of The King in Freeside. He may have once been owned by Caesar, as Antony notes to the Courier that he (Caesar) used to own a cyberdog. Also, there are red bulls painted on Rex's sides that are identical to the Caesar's Legion standard. In case of his death, his end sequence mentions that he was part of the Legion for some time before reaching Freeside. Capable of sniffing out loot and taking a large amount of punishment, he will join the Courier during the quest Nothin' But a Hound Dog. If the quest is completed, Rex can become a permanent Companion.

    Rex��һ����սǰ����ڵĻ�е����ȷ�е�˵��������2072�꣬�����������ڵ��𾯾֡��Դ����Ժ�����Ϊ��Freeside��The King���ĵij������������Caesar���У���ҿ��Դ�Antony�����˽⵽Carsar��ӵ��һֻ�Ļ�е��������Rex�������ŵĺ�ɫ��ţ�Ϳ������������ϵ����һ�ޡ���һ�����������Ľ�ֶ������ᵽ������Freeside֮ǰ���ǿ������ŵ�һ���ӡ���������Ѱ��Ʒ����ܴ����˺�������������Nothin'But a Hound Dog�м�����ҡ����������ɣ�Rex���Գ�Ϊһ�����ڻ�顣

    Four different dog brains can be used to complete the quest Nothin' But a Hound Dog. They are:
    ������Nothin'But a Hound Dog�п��Ա�ʹ�õ���ֻ��ͬ�Ĺ����ԣ�

    Lupa's Brain from The Fort, which increases Rex's health by 100
    ��The Fort����㵽��Lupa�Ĵ��ԣ�����Rex100������

    Rey's Brain, which increases Rex's Attack

    An NCR Guard dog brain, which grants no additional effect

    Violetta's Brain (from the quest Three-Card Bounty), which increases Rex's speed
    Violetta�Ĵ��ԣ���������Three-Card Bounty������������Rex���ٶȡ� 

Interactions with the player character 

��ɫ���������ڻ�飬��������Nothin'But a Hound Dog




Rex has no ranged attacks, although his melee attacks can knock down an enemy temporarily.


    Rex will remain a companion even if the player is wearing a hat or other headwear. However, if the player wants to speak to Rex (for example, in order to activate the Jimmy's Well encounter) they must remove their headwear, or Rex will be angry when "speaking" to the player.


    Rex's name means 'King,' which is an appropriate name, considering that he is owned by The King.
    Rex���������"��",���ǵ�����The King��ֱ��"��"�������������

    �� Specifically, it means King in Latin, which makes his name doubly appropriate since he was in the Legion before coming to Freeside.
    �� ׼ȷ��˵��Rex���������е�"��"����ʹ���������ֱ�֮��Freeside�����ʺ��ھ��š�

    Sometimes NPC's will comment about Rex if he is in your party, for example some guards in the Atmoic Rangler will say in a slurred voice " Glad to see Rex is okay."
    һЩNPC��������Rex�Ƿ�����Ļ�飬����һЩAtmoic Rangler�ı����Ậ����˵"�ܸ��˿���Rex����"

    If you dismiss Rex as a follower when at the Caesar's Legion base at Fortification Hill, Rex will be unable to return to his "home" location at either Freeside or the Lucky 38, since accessing the Legion fort normally requires speaking to an NPC, Cursor Lucullus, to engage the ferry.

    һ�����ھ���Ҫ���к�NPC"Cursor Lucullus"���ɿڹ����ߣ���������ͨ�Ի�����Ҫ������ Caesar's Legion�����е�Fortification Hill���Rex�������޷�������Freeside����Lucky 38�ļҡ�

    Because of the AI and Rex's Perception, he will often charge towards enemies from long distances, even if set to a Passive behavior through the Companion Wheel.

    If you finish the game with Rex's companion quest completed, you get a quick note how Rex adapted to his new brain and melded his memories and the memories of his new brain together.


    If you complete the game without obtaining a new brain for Rex, the ending pictures will say he peacefully died of old age.

    If you have the Wild Wasteland trait and talk to him, he'll tell you that someone has fallen down a well. This adds Jimmy's Well to your map, which is located right next to Fields' Shack, WSW of Nellis Air Force Base. Down in the well you will be confronted by a Mole Rat and there will be a skeleton(presumably Jimmy). Next to him is the Abilene Kid LE BB Gun, 2 cans of BB's(100), a Super Stimpak and a Rawhide Cowboy Hat. This may be a reference to either the television show "Lassie" or to a Fallout 2 quest which also contains a reference to the television show "Lassie."

    �������Wild Wasteland�������Һ����Ի�����������������и��������ˡ��������ĵ�ͼ������"Jimmy's Well"���������ĵ�Jimmy�ľ��¼����رꡣ����ر��� Fields' Shack���ұߣ�Nellis Air Force Base����-���ϱߡ��¾��������һֻ���������Լ�һ��ʬ�ǣ���ž���Jimmy�İɣ��������Ա߾���Abilene Kid LE BB Gun��2����BB����100��һ�ޣ���һֻSuper Stimpak�Լ�һ��Rawhide Cowboy Hat��������Dzο��˵�Ӱ��Ŀ"Lassie"������Fallout 2��һ�����Ʋο�"Lassie"�������¾�

    The license plate on his rear reads K9 UNIT, which is a reference to Rex's days with the Denver Police Department Canine Unit. This is also a reference to the recruitable companion cyberdog K-9 in Fallout 2, itself a reference to 'Doctor Who' who also had a cyberdog with the name K9.

    �����ȵ�Ϳ�ŵ�ִ��(���ţ�)����"K9 UNIT"��K9���ӣ�����������Rex�ڵ��𾯾־�Ȯ�ӡ���Ҳ����Fallout 2�Ļ�е�����K-9�¾����䱾����������"Doctor Who"�¾�����һ���һ������K9�Ļ�е����

    If you have Rex with you and talk to a Boomer, they sometimes will say "If you don't get that thing under control, I will."
    �����ӵ��Rex����Boomer���˶Ի���������ʱ��˵"If you don't get that thing under control, I will."

    If you go up to a prostitute on the strip, he/she might say "I don't think that's what they mean by 'doggy-style'"
    �������the strip��Ů֧����/����˵ "I don't think that's what they mean by 'doggy-style'"(���г...)

    His Brain appears to be freely "Floating" inside the bowl on his head.

    Rex can follow the Courier in addition to any one other Companion except ED-E.

    If Rex dies, make sure to visit the King to hear a few solemn words about his passing.

    If you got equiped a hat when first talking to Rex, he will start barking at you beacuse of his hate for hats, but you can tell him that you are on the same side.

    DO NOT give him (or any other companion character for that matter) body armor that identifies him as belonging to any particular type of faction (great kahns, legion, etc) it will say he can't wear that type of armor and Rex will just drop it on the ground. He will hold onto hats and/or helmets since they do NOT have disguise properties (this is a property of faction armors only), even iconic helmets like the Ranger combat helmet.

    ǧ��Ҫ����(����������������Ļ��)���Ա����Ϊij����������װ�����󺹵ġ����ŵĵȵȣ�����������������ܴ������·���Ȼ��Rex��͵��ӵ���һ������ʧȥαװ(��������Ϊ������װ�ı��)������ץסñ�� �Լ�/���� ͷ������ֻ������װ����Ч������������Ranger combat helmet֮��������ϵ�ͷ����

    If he is with you when you try and shoot weapons like La Longue Carabine out of NPC's hand even if you succeed in holstering your weapon he will remain hostile and likely die unless you can fast travel out. He also has a tendency to attack random NCR troops after this such as Corporal Betsy, Quartermaster Bardon, and others.

    �������ͼ��NPC���ϴ��� La Longue Carabine ֮���������������ɹ�ʹ�öԷ����������ָ���ƽ�����������������������������뿪�����������Ժ������������������NCR���ˣ�����Corporal Betsy, Quartermaster Bardon֮��ġ�


    Rex appears in Fallout: New Vegas.
    Rex�dz���Fallout:New Vegas

�������񡪡�Nothin'but a Hound Dog

Quick walkthrough

Talk to the King in Freeside at the King's School of Impersonation
��Freeside��King's School of Impersonation��King�Ի�

Talk to Julie Farkas about what can be done to help Rex.
�� Julie Farkas̸̸������ô�����ܰ���Rex��

Return to the King with the news that Rex can be healed.

Take Rex to Doctor Henry in Jacobstown to learn how he can be fixed.
����Rexȥ��Jacobstown��Doctor Henry ѯ���������

Acquire a new brain for Rex from one of these optional sources:

Rey's Brain increase Rex's attack.
    �� (Optional) Acquire a new brain for Rex from one of Old Lady Gibson's dogs.
    �� (��ѡ)��Old Lady Gibson�Ĺ����ϸ�һ���´���

Violetta's Brain increases Rex's movement speed.
    �� (Optional) Search for an exceptional canine brain among the Fiends.
    �� (��ѡ)��Fiends�������滻����

Lupa's Brain increase Rex's HP by 200.
    �� (Optional) Search for an exceptional canine brain among Caesar's Legion.
    �� (��ѡ)�ӿ��������DZ߸���滻����

Occasionally NCR Guard Dogs will drop their brains, which can be transplanted into Rex for no benefit.

Return to Jacobstown and have Rex's brain transplant performed.

Detailed Walkthrough

    Talk to King in Freeside. Ask him about Rex and he will tell you that something is wrong with him. He will then ask you to go to Julie Farkas. She will tell you that there is a man, Dr. Henry, in Jacobstown who can help. You must then tell King that Rex can be fixed, having him allow you to take Rex to Dr. Henry. He will tell you to to find at least one dog brain to fix Rex. The first brain is at Old Lady Gibson's scrapyard, just north of Novac. She will ask you for 700 caps. If your barter skill is at least 70, it can be obtained for free. The second brain is at a Fiend camp near Vault 3, there are two sections to the camp, one is a type of kitchen with Cook-Cook as the leader, in the other section of the camp is a structure built from ruined campers (trailers), this section is populated by Fiend Guard Dogs, Violetta, a boss Guard Dog and a hound master called Violet, you can acquire Violet's mangled head or Violet's Head if you do not damage it. You can acquire Violetta's brain after killing her.

    ��Freeside��King�Ի�����������Rex�����飬��������������˵����⣬Ȼ��Ҫ����ȥ��Julie Farkas����������������Jacobstown��Dr.Henry�Ƕ��õ���������֮��������King Rex���Ա��κã�����King�����������Rexȥ��Dr.Henry��Ȼ���Է�˵��������ҪŪ��һ�������Բ����κ�Rex�����ܸ㵽�ĵ�һ��������λ��Old Lady Gibson����������������Novac����������Ҫ���㻨700�ǡ�����������Ľ��׼���������70����������ȡ�á��ڶ�������λ��һ������Vault 3��FiendӪ�أ�������2��Ӫ�أ�һ����Cook-CookΪ�׵Ĵ��·�������һ�����ɷ����������ɵ�Ӫ�أ���һ��ס��Fiend�ľ���Ȯ���Լ�Violetta������Ȯ����Ȯ�����˽���Violet������Եõ� Violet's mangled head���߼�����û�ݲ��������õ�Violet's Head��������ڸɵ�Violetta֮��Ū�����Ĵ���

    The third is in The Fort, which you gain access in Render Unto Caesar quest. Talk to Antony about Lupa and eventually about a brain for Rex. Antony will then ask you to give Lupa an honorable death. You must fight Lupa in the arena with only a machete and no armor. Your reward will be Lupa's Brain if you defeat her in a battle.

    ������ѡ����The Fort������������� Render Unto Caesar�н��롣��Antony̸̸����Lupa���²����ճ���Rex��Ҫ�Ĵ����ϡ�Antony֮���Ҫ�������Lupaһ�����ٵ������������������ӿ�һ��machete��Lupa���ܡ���ս���иɵ�Lupa�Ļ�����ܸ㵽Lupa's Brain��

    Choosing to implant Rey's brain will give Rex a perk to increase his attack damage. Choosing to implant Violetta's brain will give Rex a perk to increase his speed. Choosing to implant Lupa's brain will give Rex a perk to increase his Damage Threshold.
It should be noted that you can only choose one.


Journal entries








Talk to Julie Farkas about what can be done to help Rex.

��Julie Farkas̸̸��ô�����ܰ���Rex


Return to the King with the news that Rex can be healed.



Take Rex to Doctor Henry in Jacobstown to learn how he can be fixed.

����Rexȥ��Jacobstown��Doctor Henry���˽��������


Aquire a new brain for Rex from one of Old Lady Gibson's dogs.

��Old Lady Gibson�Ĺ����ϸ�һ���´���


(Optional) Search for an exceptional canine brain among Caesar's Legion.



(Optional) Search for an exceptional canine brain among the Fiends.




Return to Jacobstown and have Rex's brain transplant performed.



From a hidden position, it is possible to get a sneak critical on Rey that does not have karma or reputation penalties.

If you need to reset the quest at any time, use the base ID tag 001176B8.
�κ�ʱ���������Ҫ�������������Base ID:001176B8

If you use the barter challenge against Old Lady Gibson for Rey you do not have to kill him, there will be a short scene and the brain goes into your inventory.
�������һ����ս���׵ĶԻ�ѡ��㶨Old Lady Gibson��Ū��Ray���㲻�ظɵ�������Ļһ��֮����Ծͽ��㱳���ˡ�

western1030 2010-11-26 18:46

ruanyang81 2010-11-26 18:51
���õ�1Â¥western1030��2010-11-26 18:46������  :


wyl146 2010-11-26 19:12

scarvet 2010-11-26 20:10

�鿴�����汾: [-- REX....Ư���Ĺ�����Orz...���۰��˷���... --] [-- top --]

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